7th Extinction

Coweater Studios

At the height of Human evolution & endeavour earth's inhabitants surpassed 13 billion with a reach into the stars. Then came the alien invasion by the Caentari Alliance and a 100 year war, billions lost their lives with fewer than 1% of the planet's population surviving.

Now some 100 years after the failed invasion, a necessary peace exists between earth's inhabitants, those remaining now face new threats from both Aegis a sentient AI whom sees itself as earth's protector and species from other dimensions bent of exploiting our earth.

A Dreadful Treasure Hunt

Henry Hartley

A Dreadful Treasure Hunt is a game of 3 to 6 players running around a tile based map looking for treasure while avoiding other players and all manners of strange happenings. Play happens simultaneously for all palayers in four stages: Shoot, Move, Things, Big Scary World. During Shoot, players try and zap the competition with whatever bizarro weapon they have at hand. During Move, players can move to a new tile, open a chest (pick up a card) and hope it reveals the elusive treasure. It could also reveal a new weapon, a helpful item, a booby trap, or a terrifying world event! During Things, players can use either Throwy Things or Yummy Things. During Big Scary World, any events play out. During all this, players try and avoid losing their three hearts. Lose their final heart and they become ‘a bit dead’.

Antares Kingdoms


Antares Kingdoms is an euro-style kingdom builder card game set in a medieval fantasy world. Players each represent one of twelve factions vying for the claim of Serpens’ Champion, a title awarded to the kingdom deemed greatest by an elusive dynasty.

The game develops over three decades of opportunities, warfare and industry. Each year players draw 3 cards and build 2 into their kingdom, then decide whether to spend Supplies and Materials, Buy Dominions, Rank Up, Foresee Future and Buy or Raid cards from other kingdoms.

Players strive to construct buildings and units relating to the six facets of their kingdom (Agriculture, Township, Resources, Military, Society and Influence), earning achievements for progression in each. When a decade concludes, progress is carried over into the next as the board resets.

By the end of the third decade, players engage in comparing their achievements in the end game challenge. Here, outsmarting your opponent can be exercised with Dominion cards - which boost achievements secretly - keeping other players guessing whether they will win in a category or not.

After comparing all achievements and Dominions at the end, the player with the most victory points wins the title of Serpens' Champion!


Brenton Finkel

Grid based card game - each player has a starting area of 4 tiles + 12 neutral tiles in the middle. Each player chooses 3 characters for their party and builds a deck of 30 cards for their characters to use (spells, items, summons & companions). There is 6 different colours with characters themed around what each of those colours want to try and do. Each character has 2 actions in a turn - a spell action and a move action. Line of sight also exists - so your more beefy characters can stand in the front to protect allies. The goal is to defeat the 3 enemy characters. When one of your characters is defeated, you move the [Soul] of that character onto another character. Which empowers them - granting them an additional spell action along with being able to use that defeated character's spells. You can also expend the energy of those [Souls] to empower cards to a more powerful version.

Behind the Scenes

Confused Wizards

Behind the Scenes strives to deliver an action-packed and cinematic experience with an emphasis on improvisational gameplay. We intend for this game to be accessible to players wanting a lighter rule system while still allowing for a heavy amount of customisation, optimisation, and roleplaying.

We have designed our game with the intention of a bespoke companion app. This app is intended to keep the game moving smoothly while empowering GMs and players with improvisational and mechanical tools. These tools will take the form of trackers, generators, encounter builders, and an integrated highly navigable rulebook. Our game will still be entirely playable without this app.

Players assume the role of survivors of an environmental catastrophe that turned a formerly tranquil world into one with harsh and hazardous landscapes and creatures. Unbeknownst to the characters, they are reality show stars in a dystopian far-future whose exploits on this planet are broadcasted to a universe of viewers.



The alien species commonly known as the Bugs is the greatest threat facing interstellar civilisation. Their instinct to expand is unstoppable, and every colony that has encountered them has fallen. The individuals of the species do not appear to be sentient; and yet, they manage to infest many starships, and those starships find their way to the major ports, spreading their territory further. Your job as Hunters is to find these infested ships and destroy them.

Usually this can be done from a safe distance via missiles, but some vessels still have active shields, and must be boarded and destroyed from within. Others have valuable technology and information that must be retrieved first.

Boarding a Bug-infested ship is the most dangerous work in space, but someone has to do it... Bughunters is a cooperative tactical combat game for 1 to 4 players.

Select a game setup from the Mission Logs. Players choose their Hunters and prepare their equipment. Each variety of Bug has different resistance to weapon types, so you'll want a varied loadout on your team.

On your turn, you'll roll the 4 action dice to determine your options. You need sets of symbols to attack, move, search for equipment, and perform other tasks. You get 3 rolls to allocate your actions. Then the Bug swarm acts, moving towards the Hunters to attack and spawning new Bugs each turn.

Missions have different objectives, such as retrieving the ship's data core, or destroying the reactor with explosives. Complete your objective and return to the boarding pod, and you win to fight another day.

Castaway's Quest

Penelope Doig


Blue Box Game Designs



Make your own city using stencil cards with rules, measure the card distance to your territory & draw the building with the stencil, block your opponents by grouping your buildings, score combos i.e. from wheat to mill to bakery, and at the end? A nice little City Map you can use in a roleplay campaign!


Carlos Flores


Fox Tale Games

Create unique maps and gods in the First Age (tile-laying) to use in the Second Age (pick-up-and-deliver). Cards evolve over games and legends persist from one to the next - a creation of stories that players will be talking about forever. In the first Collaboratory session, the first Age, players will craft a map and create the gods. At the end of the last game, it will advance to the second Age. In the second Collaboratory session, the second Age, players will play on that map, using those gods. Quests completed during those games will affect the heroes in future games, and the stories told in the quests will be determined by the gods that were designed. The eventual finished game will be a massive endeavour of tiles and cards and app-delivered narrative, but for now, there is a lot to test!

Dig Dwarves Dig

Ark Angel Games

You and your fellow Dwarves have discovered a deep abandoned mine. You peer in greedily. As all dwarves know, you may keep whatever you can carry.

As you set to work, you hear a rumble from deep within the mine. Could it be? Yes, you smell brimstone – this mine is surely home to a dragon...

Dig Dwarves Dig is a dice selection game where players take turns rolling – and re-rolling – dice to construct valuable gems, as you collectively work your way deeper and deeper into the mine.

On a player’s turn they will be rolling the 5 dice passed to them by the previous player – continuing the group’s progress through the mine.

Each time you choose to roll the dice, you must keep at least one die.
Constructed gems are worth points when you collect 2 matching halves; but unpaired halves will lose you a point if they are left by the end of your turn.
Minecarts cause you to plummet to the next level down in the mine – these are swapped for a dice of the next level – opening new possibilities, but also greater risk of stumbling across the dragon!
Players must decide when to jump off the mine cart, banking what they have earnt so far, but leaving others to delve deeper for greater reward, or busting on a dragon!

Dungeon Rivals


As an evil overlord, you are in charge of constructing a dungeon filled with traps to catch unwitting adventurers. You're competing with other overlords to see who can build the strongest dungeon. Each of you has a champion you will send to raid your rivals. Who will end up holding the most treasure?

Dungeon Rivals is a game for 2 to 4 players, played over 4 rounds. Each round is divided into 2 phases.

In the Build phase, players draft 2 tiles for their dungeon, and 1 action card for their champion. Keep an eye on what your opponents are choosing, because you'll need the right cards to successfully raid! Add these tiles to your dungeon, and add treasure rooms to all open exits. Finally, add your coins to the treasure rooms; you get 4 coins to place in round 1, building up to 10 coins in round 4.

In the Raid phase, in reverse order, players send their champions into an opponent's dungeon. Choose a dungeon to raid, and take one extra action card that will help you the most. Each time your champion moves into a dungeon tile, you must play an action card with the matching symbol. Work towards a treasure room to steal the coins -- you'll earn 1 point for every card played, and 1 point for every coin stolen.

After the raid is finished, you'll also earn 1 point for every coin left in your own dungeon.

At the end of the fourth round, the overlord with the most points earns the respect of their rivals, and wins the game!



Dwagon! is designed to be easy to pick up fun for anyone, but interesting and novel enough to appeal to hobby gamers. It uses very familiar mechanics or roll-and-move and card play in a unique way. Players play Realm and Treasure cards from their hands to form the spaces on which a baby dragon will move around the table, burning castles and hoarding treasures as it goes. The game is at heart a fun push your luck game, with the player that has the most valuable treasure cards at the end of the game the winner. You can stack treasures in the same space, but risk the dragon will steal them all, or spread the treasures out but increase the chance the dragon's move will end in your Realm. Players can also deploy Constructions to their Realms, walls, dungeons, catapults, etc, that will deter the dragon or move it on in various ways, or to safely cover over treasure cards.

Each turn a player will simply play a card from their hand to the table in front of them. At the top of each card is a command for the baby dragon. The dragon will do what the command, most commonly rolling the die and moving/flying the dragon that many spaces… but then the dragon takes matters into its own claws. Each card/space has an action that the dragon will take if it lands there. For treasures this will likely be that it take the treasure card to its hoard (discard pile), but Constructions each have fun things that happen. For instance, if the dragon lands on a wall card it will reverse its direction, if it lands on a catapult it will be flung further along the path of cards.

Fat Cats Inc.

Board and Sorcery


Logic Engine

Heavy rains have caused havoc throughout the land. As one of the apprentice cartographers, it is up to you to use incoming reports to create an updated map of the region. The Council will surely reward the apprentice skilled enough to put together the most accurate map, contributing to better run aid efforts.

Each round, players will draw the land shape and a feature into an empty hexagonal space. Rounds continue until there are no more empty spaces, after which players perform end of game scoring.

3 dice are rolled, and each player chooses one die as Land, with the other two dice as the Feature.

From the Land die, 1-6 edges of the space will be land edges, and the remainder will be water edges. Between land and water in the space, the player draws a shoreline. As the map fills in, watch out you don't end up with unreachable terrain!

The sum of the Feature dice determine what can be found in that space -- it might be a resource like fields, forests or fish; or one of several types of building. Try to put your buildings adjacent to their resources, or they won't be productive!

Once the map is completely filled in, it's time to score. Earn points based on which features are adjacent to each other. The highest scoring map wins!


Leigh Perrott

Grimwald is a medium-weight, strategic, character-building game for 2 to 4 players. It takes around 60 to 90 minutes to play and it appeals to players of games like Lords of Waterdeep, Gloomhaven, or Mage Knight.

The goal of the game is to build the best fantasy character. The player who improves their character the most and leaves the greatest legacy on the quest board wins the game.

Your character has an attribute map tracking your brawn, guile, and wisdom. These combine to form heroic attributes of virtue, prestige, and genius.

Each round you take turns completing quests, then head back to town where all players spend their rewards simultaneously.

To complete a quest, place one of your character’s active abilities onto a quest location. You could Sneak into the Forest, or perhaps use your Inspire ability at the Citadel.

Pay the health and stamina required, then gain the rewards. There’s a base reward, a reward from your ability and you also gain rewards from other player abilities for following them. Lastly, if your attribute score is greater than the position of the current meeple on the legacy track you get to place a meeple of your own. Gain all rewards through which you progress and bump the other player’s meeple off the board.

Back in town, you’ll refresh your health, stamina, and used abilities then choose a shop to visit. Spend gold to buy new items from your shop as you try to complete matching sets. Spend experience to level up, boosting your stats and unlocking quest actions unique to your character. Spend skill points to upgrade abilities and specialise your character further.

The shop you chose determines the order which you set out for the next round.

The game ends once all the Royal items have been taken. You return to town one last time and tally up the Victory Points to determine the winner.

Inventory Quest


You have been summoned by the king for an important quest, but the road to the castle is long and dangerous — make sure you pack well!

In Inventory Quest, your task is to prepare a backpack full of supplies to help you on your journey to the king's castle. Draw your chosen selection of items onto your dry erase player board, then draw cards from the Journey deck to reveal the challenges you’ll face along the way. Erase your supplies as they are used up; will you make it to the end of the journey with the most gems to win?

There are six types of items you can add to your backpack:
• Food, consumed as you travel
• Rope, to cross various hazards
• Potions, for healing
• Swords and Bows, for fighting and hunting
• Shields, to protect against damage

The most important rule to remember when packing, is that you can only access items from the top of your bag. Pack your supplies poorly, and you might not be able to use items when you need them! If you get stuck, you can discard the blocking items.

Along the way, you might find some valuable treasures. Should you make room in your bag to take them with you?

You'll find some shops along the way to replenish your supplies. You could sell your treasures now to pay for items, or keep them to give to the king for a greater reward. But do you have everything you need to survive the trip unscathed?

Journeys: the Creative Role Playing Game

Jack Alverson's Games

Journeys is a fast paced, creative role playing game for 1-6 players and 1 Game Master. Its quick and easy to learn, play, or run, and creativity and problem solving is more important than rules mastery. Great for newcomers and veterans alike, Journeys operates under a unique Traits and Equipment system where your characters bonuses vary situationally based on what character traits and equipment would be logically useful to the task at hand.

For example: A swordsman is not only good at fighting with or against swords, but he strikes camaraderie with other swordsmen, and can analyse the fighting posture of a fellow swordsman. A bard can perform for a crowd or a king, or use his cutting words to offput an attacking enemy...if the foe can speak the same language, or speak at all!

In Journeys, your heroes are individuals making the most of what they have, and are not pre-determined to a particular role based on what they selected back at character creation, rather they shift roles based on the needs of the situation at hand.

Journeys strikes a balance between traditionalist, Concrete-Rules Role playing game design, and Modern narrativist role playing game design, to create a engaging and tactile adventure game that rewards roleplaying and flexible thinking.

Laser Bounce

Game So Much

Laser Bounce is a game about combatants blasting each other with lasers in a mirror-walled room. They have a limited energy supply used to fire their laser and absorb attacks. The walls of the room absorb laser energy which can be collected by combatants in order to recharge, though charged walls will explode if hit by a laser. A combatant dies if their energy drops to zero. Last one standing wins!

- 1-4 players
- 10-20 minutes playing time

Long Dogs

Kiarra Pearce


Stefan Nekvapil

Mythmaker involved two warring kingdoms racing to claim the Dragon's head, or dethrone their opponent. Through careful town resource and tempo management, efficient monster hunting and questing with a hero, players will go from a small and humble start to a sprawling kingdom and powerful champions at their fore. It has very little RNG, and rewards repeated plays with the same opponents, capable of developing a deep internal meta. Mythmaker is an ambitious project that has been developed over the last 7 years, and is finally nearing completion.

Pizza Party

This Side Up Games

Pizza Party is a 15 minute game of I Cut, You Choose where players attempt to get the most and best pizza!. Players take turns selecting a portion of pizza which are the mixed remaining slices after an epic party.


Adam Obren

Quintuple is an abstract game for two. Players take turns placing or moving dice on a 3 x 3 grid. Each die's value determines how many spaces it moves. When a token is placed next to a row, the values of the dice in that row are changed. The first player to place all their dice on the grid wins.


Jolly Swagman Games

In SCRAP, you take on the role of a "Line" of Bots who have just become truly intelligent following an event known only as "The Singularity". Hungry for knowledge, your Bots have travelled to the source of the singularity to acquire as much data as possible. SCRAP is an area control game featuring lots of "Bots on a Map".

Its major mechanical features are:
Action Queue Programming: You'll plan your moves in advance by placing "Functions" into an queue. Each turn, you'll resolve the Function at the front of your queue and place a new Function at the back of it.

Hand Building: Throughout the game, you'll acquire new Functions to increase your options when programming. Each card has two major purposes; one, to serve as a unique option for your Bots (no two cards are the same), and also as fuel for other powers; whenever you reveal a Function on your turn, you can discard a Function of a matching colour to gain powerful bonus effects!

Hand Management: Your Functions will need time to refresh in between uses, and you must plan a Reboot turn in advance (even Robots need a break!). Spend too many cards too quickly and you'll find yourself rebooting much more frequently.

Hidden Bidding Combat: Assign your Bots orders in a unique and thematic combat system with no dice or cards; YOU choose what your Bots will do. Probe your opponent to gain additional data or weapons for the future, snipe their Bots before they can strike, brace for impact, and then get ready to brawl! Plus, get data whenever you destroy something!

Asymmetric Factions: Play as one of six unique "lines" (faction) featuring a unique hand of functions (5 cores similar to other players and one wholly unique ability) and unique upgrades. Crush the competition with Vulcanos, study your enemies as Cerebrum, or manipulate the space-time continuum with Tachyon.

SCRAP draws inspiration from a range of games, including Cthulhu Wars, Inis, Scythe, Concordia, Rising Sun, Cry Havoc, Blood Rage, Mage Knight, and Spirit Island.


Galaxybrain Games

Deep in an undersea research facility, illicit experiments unleash dangerously convincing shapeshifters, whose one goal is to escape back to human civilisation and multiply.

These Shifters are made of Shifter Goo, a substance discovered on the ocean floor that can be rapidly moulded into complex forms. This facility pushed the boundaries of what could be created... But it’s all gone wrong and the only way out was sabotaged. Now, you must gather salvage and create your own means of escape.

Everyone wants to escape, but who can be trusted?



As a junior witch, you are racing to complete your mail deliveries the fastest to demonstrate your flying skill. You must fly to four town locations and deliver mail, then return to the Academy. The witch who completes their route and returns home first is the winner!

In Slipstream, two to six players each control a witch, with nine transparent "flight tiles" to move them around the board. The game board is a map of the town with eight locations requiring deliveries. Each turn, you will add a tile to your flight path, and move your witch towards a delivery target.

As you play your tiles, your movement options become restricted, until you get to pick up tiles from the tail of your slipstream. Plan your flight carefully!

If you can connect your witch’s slipstream to another slipstream in play, you can fly along it for a massive speed boost. You'll also get to pick up the rest of your flight tiles, gaining a big movement advantage!

Can you be the fastest to complete all your deliveries, and graduate top of the class?


Dr Tom Allen

Spelled is a deckbuilding word game between two or more magic-wielding witches and wizards. Each of your cards is a letter that can be spelled as a word to deal damage and gain powerful abilities. But each spell can hit just one target – so longer words aren’t always the best bet, giving a fair fight even if your opponent is a loquacious wordsmith...


Jay Bendixen

‘Stoked’ is a single card, blind bidding game for 2-6 players ages 8+ that takes about 20-30mins to play. In Stoked, players are surfers at the beach competing every round to catch waves. Players start the game with identical hands of energy cards and respect tokens and need to manage how they use their energy cards to catch waves & how they are respected. If they don’t have enough respect - they might never catch a wave & if they don’t have enough energy - they might get stung by a Jellyfish!

Tabletop Empires - the Game of Producing Tabletop Games Worldwide

Guildmaster Games

Compete and collaborate to craft boardgames with unique combinations of theme, style, funding, and audience. Gain insight into the five stages of tabletop game production - Development, Manufacturing, Funding, Shipping, and Sales. Designed by six-year industry veteran Hannah Ford Morgan, Tabletop Empires uses fun and engaging gameplay to reveal how to make boardgame ideas a reality - not only through theme, style, mechanics, artwork, and design, but every other step (which each can take just as long as the design!).

Experiment with creating cool game combos, adapting your products to meet client and audience needs, build contacts and audiences for both private investment and crowdfunding platforms, manufacture domestically or internationally, ship and fulfil globally, and go on to sell games to customers, retailers and distributors, in-person and online.

This game is perfect and enlightening for aspiring tabletop designers, passionate fans of boardgames, and industry folks alike!

Tavern Brawl

Sultry Cactus

Tavern Brawl is a Tavern management game in which 4 - 6 players will compete for dominance of a Fantasy City. Players will purchase Tavern upgrades and Drinks to aid them in gaining the most gold possible from a round.

Players will do a chugging contest to see who gets the First Player Token.

Each round players will each play 2 Patrons into either their own, an opponents or a mix of both, Patrons will give a Tavern Pay-Out which is how much gold Players collect from their Tavern at the end of a round and Rowdiness, which is how chaotic that Patron makes the Tavern. If at the end of a round a Tavern has 7 Rowdiness or more, they will have a Tavern Brawl and pay damages equal to the total amount of Rowdiness in their Tavern. Players who didn't Tavern Brawl will get to collect their gold equal to the Pay-Out stat of their Tavern.

At the end of the round Players will draw Patron cards until they have 5 in their hand, then the First Player Token is passed to the next player Clock-Wise. At the beginning of the next round Players can purchase Tavern Upgrades and Drinks in preparation. This sequence continues until every Player has had the First Player Token once.


TNE Productions

Terragon is a turn-based strategy game about planetary domination & resource management: choose from 3 different teams (Terran, Robots & Aliens) and conquer with their unique tactics, units, and abilities.

With terrain that generates as you explore and cards that grant special abilities, no two games of Terragon will ever be the same. The Core game will allow players to choose from modes like Free for All, Team Deathmatch, 2-versus-1, King of the Hill, Survival, Objective and even Campaigns.

That Sound Game

That Sound Game

That Sound Game - A noisy game for weird people.

Mimic sounds and use your body to get your team to guess the answer on the category card. Try to gain as many points in a minute as possible, but don't stuff up, as points will go to the opposing team/s.

FYI You can't use your hands or any words. Good luck with that.

The Consortium

Howzat Games

The Consortium is a strategic space exploration game with dynamic empire building for 2-6 players combining asymmetric action upgrades, resource management, galactic events & evolving game objectives.

Build your mining empire with limited resources, adapt strategies to exploit dynamic shifts in the galaxy, upgrade Miners to improve actions, use the volatile ore market to perfection.

You have 10 solar cycles to acquire & complete Elite Contracts to earn the highest Prosperity score to win.

The Fall of Kings

Games with Teeth

The Fall of Kings is an asymmetric worker placement game that focuses on 4 different organizations that are determined to perform their duties better than the others.

You take control of one of four unique factions; the Town Guard, the Doctor's Consortium, Paladin's Order and Tax Collectors and you must perform each faction's unique actions on the surrounding towns of the kingdom in order to progress the fame of your organization.

Through your actions, you may be able to impact other factions such as poisoning the village that is about to get visited by the Tax Collector or curing a town of their diseases as the Paladin Order, before the corrupt Consortium has a chance to cash in on their own doing.

The King can influential the performance of the factions in multiple ways; through the alteration of income for each faction or through the fame bonuses given to them. But most organizations have the ability to contract assassins to remove the King, hoping the next one in succession will benefit them and their faction.

The Magic Door

Clocksmen Game Design

The Magic Door brings modern Euro design sensibilities to gaming for children. With hand management, symbol matching and cooperation, players will navigate one of three magical realms. Each realm offers different challenges, powers and rewards. There is no failure in The Magic Door, and every adventure is a success! The more secrets are collected from each realm, the more progress they make to opening the secret letters written to them by the Realm Guardians. These letters contain new challenges that can permanently unlock powerful new cards for the children's decks. These light legacy elements tie seamlessly with the narrative storybook arc of the game, and by the end children will feel as though they have mastered all three magical realms: The Realm of Stones, The Realm of Winds, and The Realm of Stars.

The Paranoid Superhero

Mike Bantick

The Paranoid Superhero is paranoid because neither he nor the players (initially) know which element is his weakness, playing as a criminal mastermind players will plan, scheme and research their way to narrow down what the weakness element is and disrupt their opponents in this cutthroat rise to power.

Controlled by the game The Paranoid Superhero flies to locations on the board to thwart crimes, players have a lot of opportunity to plan around this and consider their next move.

• Plan Crimes exposing the Superhero to elements and gaining fame
• Scheme to disrupt the actions of other players
• Research the Paranoid Superhero’s weakness or super weapons.

It’s all about the planning: Using action dice and “worker placement” elements players are free to act or react to the situation each turn. They can build their own information and fame, disrupt others or manipulate the Paranoid Superhero and expose him to the elements.

At the games end, players select one of the six elements, building the finale tension. The weakness element is then revealed, players that selected the correct element receive bonus Fame.

The Hook comes in the feeling of plans coming off, the devious joy of disrupting the intentions of others and the secret knowledge that builds up and used at games end. Lots of interaction and massive potential for expansion

Twin Realms

Pawel Owsianka

Twin Realms is a cooperative, legacy dungeon crawler for 2 to 4 players, set in a primordial fantasy world divided into physical and spirit realms. Players will take on the roles of elemental spirits and use their ability to switch between those two realms to fight an army of demons.

Each of the 20 quests (taking 2-3 hours) offers unique challenges, conditions and puzzle elements that players will have to tackle while fighting hordes of demons in fully tactical combat. Players will use the unique ability of the elementals to switch between the physical and spirit form to change enemies’ focus, reposition, and even move through walls.

Each player will use ability cards moved up and down on their player board to track cooldowns. Some abilities have to be triggered by others so players will be able to perform combo chains. In physical world the characters fulfil the typical roles of tanks, supports and damage dealers. In spirit world all characters have the same abilities but they will be able to channel actions of slain enemies gacy dungeon crawler for 2 to 4 players, set in a primordial fantasy world divided into physical and spirit realms. Players will take on the roles of elemental spirits and use their ability to switch between those two realms toallowing them to chain kill opponents and use their own actions against them.


Fraser Greenfield

Unthinkable is a satircal 'Late Cold War' era area control game. In 'Unthinkable' Players choose from one of 8 Nation-states from 3 poltical blocs. Players are soft locked into teams, and must negotiate an every shrinking world with rising tension. Each turn players may commit espionage, build up their nuclear deterence, draft their armies, bring other nations into their sphere of influence and negotiate with players.

At the end of the 6th turn, the player with the most 'Points' (granted by owning cities and nukes or occupying territory) wins

Wartide Extendable Card Game

Lachlan Peterson

Wartide is a collectable/extendable card game (trading card game with pre-set expansions over randomised booster packs) currently in development. Take control of the militaristic Empira, with their tanks and firearms, the hypercapitalist Kegawa Corporation, with their gladiator mechs and warp technology, or the zealous Null, with their divine power and tendrils of darkness. Each faction features unique gameplay as you fight across a 3x6 grid, which you must take control of and destroy your opponents home base. All the while managing your resources and units in the ongoing war as barriers between worlds are torn back.

Wolf & Raven

Clocksmen Game Design

Wolf & Raven is a cooperative game for two players drawing inspiration from one of nature's most unexpected partnerships.

The players control a wolf and a raven, hunting for survival together through the four seasons of the year, from spring to winter. Each season, the players must capture their prey before either time runs out, or they succumb to the effects of hunger.

The game components in Wolf & Raven are: decks and meeples for each of Wolf and Raven; game boards depicting routes through a landscape; and a 'Season Deck' for each of the seasons, which is where the game's challenge lies.

(NB: While the final version of the game will have four game boards with a separate Season Deck for each, our prototype has just one of each.)

During a turn of Wolf & Raven, the players will move their meeples, trigger the action spaces they land on, play cards from their hands, draw cards, gain and lose Hunger, and interact with the Season Deck.

Some cards in the Season Deck are beneficial, and can be captured and put into a player deck (deckbuilder-style) where they can be drawn and used on a later turn.Other cards are hazardous, and must be dealt with by spending resources.

The players win the season if they are able to find and capture the Prey card that is in the Season Deck. They lose if they reach the end of the game board before they capture the Prey, or if they gain too much Hunger.

Player decks are persistent from season to season - a good card captured from the Season Deck in spring will improve the players' chances of beating summer. But, at the same time as the power of the Player Decks increases, so to do the challenges of later seasons!


Elizabeth Pendragon Creations

Wonderland is a 2-5 player tabletop roleplay game. Playing one of the five classes – Overlander, Hatter, Knight, Mage, or Beastmaster – participants will explore the weird and wonderful kingdoms of the four monarchs which make up Underland, the world inspired by the setting of Lewis Carrol’s Alice In Wonderland.

The sandbox world can hold any flavour of adventure, from solving puzzles to fighting beasts to negotiating political advantages with the monarchs themselves- but the emphasis is always on the wonder, the weirdness, and the fun. Wonderland is built to enhance enjoyment at the table; this game is not for gritty takes or dark remakes. Instead, Wonderland aims to get players having as much fun as possible, encouraging engagement on a physical level with a spellcasting system that has players perform simple (and adjustable!) actions to cast spells, which often involve other members of their party.

A varied but simple system of mechanics makes the game quick to learn, so the focus can stay on enjoying the short adventures Wonderland is built for.